Monday, August 29, 2011

Simon's Cat (4 Videos, 4 Photos)

My friend introduced me to Simon's Cat yesterday and i've been hooked ever since! If you have a cat, you can relate to the annoying and obnoxious things that kitty does (but non the less adorable). Here are some of the videos I enjoyed the most. Enjoy!

One Man Disney Show by Nick Pitera (1 Video)

Disney movies have always had an exceptional charm on us. It's the holy grail of Feel Good feelings. So in that sense, we present to you Nick Pitera in his Disney medley. Not only is the music catchy, but his acting skills are superb!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Say Something Nice (12 Photos, 1 video)

Say Something Nice is a project placed in public places in New York City. The project itself has three main elements: a wooden lectern, a megaphone holster and an attached sign that read, “Say Something Nice.” Since the lectern was in a very high-traffic area, people immediately started to take notice, stopping to read the sign. It didn't take long for people to start sharing their thoughts and positive comments towards NYC.  To understand the full effect of the project, watch the video at the end of the page.

Haute Couture Ain't So Hot (5 Photos, 1 Video)

"Poses", a performance created by the Spanish artist Yolanda Dominguez is a dark parody directly criticizing the artificial and plastic fashion industry. Dominguez had women holding dramatic and exaggerated fashion poses in public places and let them 'freeze that pose for a substantial period of time.

The video is a must-watch to understand on what the Poses were based on.

Carved Book Scultpures (13 Photos)

Julia Strand upcyles old discarded book by turning them into amazing carved artworks. The results are awesome. Must order entire collection now.

People Stocking (25 Photos)

We all know that Stock Photos can get a little weird, but here is proof that sometimes they are outrageous!

A Little Inspiration to Get You Through the week (24 Photos)

It's only a couple of days till the vacation starts. So here are a little inspirational quoted to get you through the remaining days!

It's Sunday, It's Time for a Dose of Weirdness (68 Photos)

Start your week with a collection of funny, random and weird photos circulating the internet!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO


Steve Jobs has announced to Apple’s Board of Directors that he is resigning as CEO of Apple, effective immediately. He will be replaced by Tim Cook.

Hyperrealistic Paintings by Pedro Campos (14 Photos)

You won't even believe that these are paintings not photographs! Photo-realistic artist Pedro Campos presents these beautiful works of art using oil on canvas. 

Get Inspired: Creative Business Cards (19 Photos)

An amazing collection of unusual and creative business cards.

Amazing Sand Sculptures (19 Photos)

Surreal & Outlandish Photography by Jean Yves Lemoigne (19 Photos)

An amazing surreal collection of  Jean Yves Lemoigne's photography.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Noma Bar - Cut It Out (8 Photos)

Cut It Out is an interactive exhibition which will allow viewers to create their own Noma Bar prints. Based on a manual embosser, the bespoke, large-scale punching machine will cut out exclusive Noma Bar designs with the remaining negative space forming the image. 
The gallery visitor can take any piece of paper, choose from a variety of Noma's designs, and manually feed the paper into the machine, creating their own cut-out print that will be signed and numbered as part of a limited edition series. Alongside Cut It Out, Noma will also be exhibiting a range of other new prints.

Electronic Mosaic Ads (3 Photos)

These highly elaborate and beautiful artworks are the product of DDB Brasil ad agency designed for Companhia Athletica, a Brazilian gym chain. It took the ad agency four months to compile the poster series together from computer, television and other technological parts shaping them into the image of people exercising.Their message is loud and clear:
Why not spend time on your body instead of your computer?

ScandyBars! (12 Photos)

This scrumptious blog is dedicated to scanned cross-section of numerous candies from chocolates to gummy bears to anything imaginable! 

Even Zombies Need Amusement Parks (7 Photos)

100s of zombies invaded and rambled around Dorney Park, an amusement park in Allentown, PA. Participants either came dressed as zombies, or got “bloodied up” by one of the many make up artists there. Lines were incredibly short, as the Living were not allowed entry.

See No Evil Art Project (12 Photos)

A graffiti artist works on what is set to be the UK's largest street art project. The See No Evil project on Nelson Street in Bristol will see several multi-story buildings in the street covered with art over the coming days. Organisers hope that the project, which has involved top graffiti artists from all over the world, will become a major tourist attraction for the city, often said to the spiritual home of Banksy.

A Midweek Dose of Inspiration (23 Photos)

It's Midweek. You need a nice break so enjoy this inspirational post!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Big Money Project (6 Photos)

Lars Marcus and Theo Tveterås of Skrekkøgle, an independent design studio in Norway, crafted a 20:1 heavily lacquered wood replica of the Euro 50-cent coin to use in their Big Money Project. The project creates the illusion that the coin is actually small and the objects around it, such as a sports car and a dumpster, are actually tiny using tilt-shift photography effects.

The Magic of Photoshop (29 Photos)

Before and after photos of celebrities getting the airbrush treatment. In our opinion, some of them don't even need airbrushing but hey, it's show-business

Abandoned Amusement Park (32 Photos)

The following collection is an abandoned amusement park in Japan. Abandoned since 2006, the photos of the park are breathtaking. 

We Love Minimalistic Posters - Marvel Edition (20 Photos)

Indulge in the following minimal Marvel Characters Poster Series. 

Perfectly Timed Photography by Matt Stuart (17 Photos)

Amazingly timed Photographs taken by street artist, Matt Stuart 

Pictogram History Posters (7 Photos)

Milan based Design Studios H-57 created these amazing posters simplifying the history of several events. 

Leave My Room Alone (14 Photos)

You think your family's bad? Take a look at what this kid's family did to him after he left for a few weeks. Extremely funny!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Creative Coasters (21 Photos)

Here is a collection of creatively designed cup coasters from around the world.

Genetic Portraits by Ulric Collette (10 Photos)

Canadian designer and photographer Ulric Collette created this amazing project where he explores the genetic similarities and differences between numerous family members by splitting the faces into half and combining them seamlessly together, he creates the creepiest portraits one could imagine. 

 Cousins: Justine, 29, & Ulric, 29

Zombie Cartoons (11 Photos)

We're starting to think that the Zombie craze is getting out of hand - our favorite cartoon and comic characters turned into zombies as well? That being said, the artwork is incredible! 

Bart's Blackboard (60 Photos)

All you Simpsons fans out there, rejoice! There is a website dedicated towards what Bart writes on the blackboard in the beginning of every episode. A few pictures below to give you an idea ...

Sunday is the new Friday - Enjoy weirdness from around the web (53 Photos)

Start your week with a collection of funny, random and just plain weird photos circulating the internet!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Long Exposure Photography (30 Photos)

Feast your eyes on this amazing collection of long exposure photography.

Rooftopping - Daredevil Photography (5 Photos)

Rooftoppers are daredevil photographers who climb to the tops of buildings and other urban structures and take photos of the view. Canadian photographer Tom Ryaboi is an early practitioner of rooftopping and has popularized the genre with his death defying photos of Toronto.